Monday, December 31, 2007

The Year

Do you ever look back at your year and just think "WOW!?". I do. There have been some years in my life that stand out for me. Some are for good things and some for not so good things.

I have to tell you that this was one of the "WOW!?" years. My husband and I were looking at having our house foreclosed on. My parents moved to Kenya, Africa. My daughter turned 12 and for those of you with 12 year olds or had 12 year old girls you understand. We sold our house, but were actually going to owe. God gave us a miracle and we walked away clear. I have had my first Christmas without my parents and younger siblings. Without my parents, I was in the position of bringing the fam together for a time to rejoice. It was a full year.

But this being the actual last day of the year, it is not over. I received a phone call from my mom in the middle of the night last night to let me know they are considering coming home.

Kenya was the most stable of African nations, but the elections that took place last Thursday have thrown it into chaos. The current president rigged the election so that he could stay in office. The main challenger, who should have one, is trying to set up a parallel government. The two main tribes are trying to kill each other to see who comes out on top.

As I talked with my mom, she told me she could hear automatic rifle fire in the background. The city they live in, Eldoret, has been burning, because people are lighting business on fire. Life in Kenya is no longer stable.

So here I am stateside knowing the only thing I can do is pray. Is God big enough? Absolutely! If there is one thing this last year has shown me is that God can do any number of impossible things as long as we believe. Well, I choose to believe.

To make matters worse in this situation, they have blacked out television, disconnected any internet use and they are threatening to stop phone usage.

My parents are living in exciting times. I wish I were there. I wish that I could be there to know if I have what it takes to believe God for the big stuff, but I am here and I can believe for them here.

If you have a moment in your day, lift up Horace, Phyllis, Marvin, Troyanna, Dannon, and Rachel in prayer.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Do you ever wonder how so much time can pass and you did not even realize it? My family moved to Kenya almost three months ago. It has seemed long, but then it hasn't. My daughter turned 12 in October. How the heck did that happen? When did I give her the okay to turn 12 and become an almost-teenager? Which I think is just as bad as being a teenager, because they can feel that change is coming but they do not fully understand it. Like any of us understand change.
Okay, well, life is much better than I am making it out. God has abundantly blessed me and He continues to do it every day. I actually have nothing to honestly complain about and yet, I often do it.
So, I technically have two blogs. I had three, but I just deleted one, because I never wrote in it. I was trying to be so organized. One blog for separate trains of thought, but you know what, they have all merged. I have one track and it just runs several trains.
My husband is a one-train kind of guy. He gets going in one thought pattern and it is really hard to get that train to stop. Me, I can switch trains with a speed that not many can match. I often confuse and befuddle by husband by switching trains or maybe it is jumping tracks.
All of that to say, I am going to condense. I will just be using this blog for all of my mindless and hopefully, not so mindless, wanderings. Come wander with me any time you have a minute.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Why Does It Take So Long?

Do you ever feel like the lessons God is trying to teach do not "take" the first few times?

I do not know how many times I have been asked to have faith in God for something and I whine, complain, and tell Him "I do not understand", even though every time before He has made the way.

I hope I am learning. My family and I are about to reach the one year mark of my husband not having a full time job. It has been the most faith-challenging year I have ever experienced and yet, I know that I am in a much better place today than I was the day it all began.

God has proven Himself to be faithful over and over again. So why do I have any doubts? I truly cannot give you an answer.

In my logical mind, I know that I should not have any doubts, but somewhere in my illogical heart lives a weed. Every time we have a come to the test of faith I have pulled that weed, but every time I have missed a portion of the root. Why?

How do I get it all? I send this out to any of you who have experienced this. If you have insight, please enlighten me. I truly want to walk and no more doubt.

Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

One Moment

For all of you SAHMs, you know this is a very rare moment. My kids all stayed the night with other people and my husband is still asleep.

Honestly, life is really good at this moment. My house is quiet. Do you remember what that sounds like?! Most of the time, I do not, but it is here now.

It is the most beautiful sound. You can actually hear yourself think. You can hear your house sign and get comfortable for the day. There is peace in silence. I love it!!!

The reason being is that I am usually listening to one or more of our three girls telling me a story, telling on one of the other ones, asking me to go somewhere (that is just Bailee, our eleven-year-old, right now), making plans that will not possibly work out, etc.

It is amazing to me how much my children talk. It seems they are completely unable to keep their thoughts in. I do realize though this is better than them never talking to me, which is something I would never want.

So you say to me, Jess I thought this was suppose to be about God or something. Oh, it is, because He is found in the silence. I truly struggle to have a "Quiet Time" when there is no quiet.

Lately, I have just not had the energy to get out of bed before our girls. The two younger ones are up usually by 7, if not sooner.

So this morning, I spent some time with the Lord. We talked about life and how I was doing. I read His word and was given the promise that no matter how it looks right now. It will get better, because my inheritance is in Him. I just need to keep seeking Him.

This is about God, because I am nothing without Him and life is impossible without Him.

I hope you are all blessed today.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

This is Shadow. We now have three cats. We are definitely done with the feline animals though. Next pet we may get will be a dog, but that is definitely for another day.

What do you think of him?


I think sometimes we are too concerned with our own independence. I know I have really been struggling with this lately.

My husband and I are going through a tough time right now, not with each other, just with our circumstances and I am finding it difficult to follow his lead. I know this is the way it should be, but I struggle.

We did not get married until we were both 25 and we both were comfortable with who we were. We did not see any reason for change. Our first year was a definite challenge. We also had a seven year old, so I thought I knew everything about being a parent and ... Well, I thought I was more mature and grounded than he was.

We are finding ourselves in that place again. We have been going through a financial struggle for over six months now and it just seems to get harder. We know our God is the God of breakthrough and it is coming, but we are being challenged in many areas through this circumstance.

Anyway, we are at a place again to expect more out of each other than is fair. Again I have found myself looking at my husband thinking I am more mature and grounded, but God is reminding me that is not the case.

I have to say Jeremy's and my communication skills have improved greatly over the last five years. We are much more willing to see things from the other person's views or at least let the other person have there say and try to understand.

I write all of this I guess to encourage those who may be going through something similar. God is good. I can see His hand all over our lives. Do not give up. We have not, even though it is hard.

Blessings on all of you,


Monday, June 25, 2007

I Return!!

So after more than two months of life overwhelming me, I am finding a moment to come back to you. Not that your here with me yet, but I hope you will return.

My life is filled with God given challenges right now. I remember the times when I would pray for my faith to be strengthened and challenged. I highly recommend you not praying that unless you are truly ready for God to meet you in that prayer.

Actually, I know we are never fully ready for the faith stretching experiences God puts in our paths, otherwise they would not be faith stretching, right?!

We, my husband and I, are in a process of refinement. I think I am especially feeling, but I know he is here with me.

For me, my parents and younger siblings are moving to Africa. My brother, Josh, one of my closest friends moved last fall. My brother, Jake, and his family will most likely only be here a year longer. My sister, Brandi, is in California right now. My sister, Brittney, is bound and determined to return to Canada where she spent a year. Our finances have been under the faith column for quite some time. My children have decided to grow and change faster than I am ready for. Life just seems to be a tornado around me right now.

I plan on pursuing God through this whole experience, not matter where it leads. I know God will use my growth to benefit others which is what I want more than anything.

I hope you will all stick around to enjoy the ride. Blessings today.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Joy and Peace

I was reading my Bible this morning and I found a scripture that I just must share.

Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I love the fact that I do not have to stir up hope for myself. That I can ask and God will fill me with joy and peace in believing. Then I can abound in hope and not in my power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Is there anything better? To know that God wants peace, joy, and hope for each of us so much that He has provided for it. All we have to do is ask and believe that His word is truly.

Believe this for yourselves today. Know that no matter what you are struggling with, God has provided for your joy, peace, and hope. Grab a hold of that and do not let it go.

Blessings on all of you today.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Idaho Mandate & Abortion

I just wanted to say "Yeah" to Idaho and the other states that have placed this mandate in their law. It is that pregnant women seeking an abortion would have to have an ultrasound first and see the images of their baby.

At one point in time, I was an unwed mother of 19 fearing to tell my parents and the world of my pregnancy. For one brief moment I thought about abortion, but something instead of me knew that an abortion was not the way out. I now know it was Jesus in me protecting me from making a mistake I would struggle to live with the rest of my life.

I know not everyone is like me and there are those who honestly do not view a fetus as a baby. I personally think that adding pictures to the equation will even out the odds in the baby's favor.

Here is the link if you want to read about it: CitizenLink.

P.S. Did I mention I was from Idaho?

Friday, April 13, 2007



Doesn't that word just get you? Do we fully understand what it means to have faith? The whole concept of faith stretches my mind beyond where it wants to go and yet, it does want to go there. I truly want to see the world the way God does. I truly want to believe that the things I ask in Jesus' name will be provided for as long as I am seeking His righteousness. I want to look into the scary future and know that "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world".

All of this and so much more is what the word faith stirs up in me.

How about you?

Monday, April 9, 2007

Praying for Loved Ones

     The Lord has really been talking with me lately regarding prayer. I know the one way we can truly sacrifice for our families is to take time and lift them up in prayer. Sometimes, our lives become overwhelming and it seems that prayer is the first thing to go, or prayer for others, specifically.

     Sometimes, I know, we need to find God in our circumstances before we can find Him in the circumstances of others.

     But sometimes, we are just tired. Tired of fighting the Good Fight!! Tired of having to continuously lift up those that do everything in their power to hurt us or push us away.

     I am actually living such a situation. I have a family member who has chosen to walk away from God and our family. She is trying desperately to cause us to be mad at her, so that we will push her away and she can feel justified in pushing us away. It is a very hard situation.

     I have seven brothers and sisters. I have to say that my brother, who is closest in age to me, is special to me. He is almost 29 and not married and I have just been allowed to be his protecting, defending big sister for more years than is usual.

     Once a brother gets a wife, your role as big sister changes. I know this by experience. My second youngest brother is happily married to a wonderful woman and so he does not need me to be the defender, protector in his life. God provided someone better and I am good with that.

     So my wandering sister has chosen recently to spread terrible rumors about the brother I am the defender, protector to. So needless to say, I was a bit riled when I heard, but God is good, he gave me a husband who will let me know when I am stepping out of line.

     The interesting thing of the whole situation is that I had decided just four days before to begin spending time daily praying for my sister and fasting one meal per day to see breakthrough. The Enemy knows which buttons to push in our lives to try to distract us from the purpose God has set before us.

     Thankfully my husband does call me on things when I step out of line or I could have gotten very worked up and distracted from my purpose.

     I tell you all of this so you will understand where I am coming from. In seek the best action plan to pray for my sister, God really spoke to my mom, sister-in-law, and I about proclaiming scripture over my sister to combat the lies she is speaking forth.

     Our prayers are very important. The Bible says in James 5:16b The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

     But I also know, there is nothing better than speaking the Word of God over and for those we love. God's heart for our loved ones is deeper and more pure. Sometimes, I own motives get in and can confuse our prayers. That will not happen if we are speaking the Word of God.

     I encourage you. If you have any type of situation you are facing and your need truth spoken into it, get out your Bible and find the verses that will speak to it and then begin to declare them over that situation.

     If you are being challenged in any situation, one of the best verses to proclaim over your life that will give you confidence to face it with the Lord at your side is Romans 8:37. "Yet in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

     So take out your two-edged sword and show the Enemy what your Lord is made of.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

With love and blessings,


Friday, April 6, 2007

Praying Your Worries Away

Last weekend on Sunday, I had the opportunity to speak at one of our local nursing homes. It was to be short and sweet. Let me tell you it was. I think I spoke for a total of 6 minutes.

I thought I would share with you what I said to those lovely elderly people.

(Just so you know, this will not be verbatim, but it will give you the gist.)

The Lord is always wanting to take care of our needs for us. Many times we do not feel like we want to bother God. We will take him the big things and try to fix the little ones on our own. Today I challenge you to begin taking all of your needs to God.

Matt. 6:25-34 says, 25 "For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

26 "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

27 "And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?

28 "And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin,

29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.

30 "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!

31 "Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?'

32 "For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

33 "But seek first His kindom and His righeousness, and all these things will be added to you.

34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

I have found these verse to be so true in my own life. My husband lost his job in September and we have been living on faith in the Father ever since. We are still making it, but I know it is not by anything we have done.

We chose at that time to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness" and we believed that in doing that "all these things will be added to you".

The Father knows our needs and He desires to provide for them. The one thing we must do is lift them up to Him in prayer. Our prayers are not to enlighten God to our current situation. Our prayers are to lighten us of our burden of trying to make everything work out. That has never been our job, I am not sure why we try to perform it.

Philippians 4:6 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

If you will release your burdens to God, He will take them from you. He will give back to you something that would not have dared to dream.

1 Peter 5:7 says, "casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

And He cares for each one of us like we were the only one. He does not think to himself, "Well, yesterday I helped Joe, so I cannot help Jess today. He cares for me and you as if we were the only ones on the planet. He has the provision to do that.

God loves us as his precious children. We can know that He only wants the best for us. Now that may not look like what we think it should, but if we give it time, we will release God's way is definitely the best way.

I will end today with Matt. 7:7-11.

7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

8 "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

9 "Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone?

10 "Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he?

11 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!

I hope this inspires you to remember, you never have to do it only. The Father is always there with you.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


I am not sure about you, but I have found myself so much more interested in Israel and God's chosen people.

If you did not know, Passover will be happening this weekend. This is the time when the Jewish people celebrate when God sent the Angel of Death and killed all the firstborn of the Egyptians. It also took on new meaning and depth when Jesus came as the new covenant.

While I am was reading in Romans 11 the other day, a verse just jumped out at me and I am not sure what to think of it.

It is Romans 11:25-27.
25 For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery - so that you will not be wise in your own estimation - that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in;
26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written,
"The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob."
27 "This is My covenant with them, When I take away their sins."

Does this passage literally mean all Jews will go to heaven in the end? "All" seems pretty definite to me.

Isn't the Bible an amazing book? We could have read it for years and then all of a sudden something new jumps out at us and says, "Wait, you have missed me before. What do you think?" This is how I know the Word of God is alive. It seems to always be drawing me in to more.

Let me know if you have any insight into the Israelite question. Bless you this day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Today with God

I love to spend time with God and have Him speak to me. Lately it just seems like He has been revealing more of Himself to me.

My pastor spoke on Hell this week and how we should allow the certainty of Hell to put within us an overwhelming burden for the lost. It was such a good reminder. At times, I can get so caught up in my life and how it is being lived, I forget to look beyond myself.

I just think it is so wonderful that when we are willing God speaks to us. He just has been speaking to me lately about His love for all. There is no person out there that the Lord does not love. He sent Jesus to cover all of our sins putting us in right relationship with the Father. How incredible is that.

At times, I become discouraged with myself when I think of all that the Lord has done for me and how often I take that for granted. I know I am going to heaven and I want to arrive there in a right relationship with the Father, but what the Father wants is to see me and the harvest I have brought with me.

Now don't get me wrong. This is not a bash Jessica thing I am doing. It is just a self-realization thing. I want to be in right relationship with the Lord, but I want to be doing His will during that process. I do not think we get to be perfect and then He tells us to do the work. I think we should be doing the work while we are in process, because our testimonies of the process can be very powerful.

Tonight I stand before you or have written before you, my desire for more of the will of God, the ultimate goal for the Father, which is that none should perish. All should know the love of the Father and be adopted into the family.

I give you a challenge. Be listening for the Lord to speak to you about the people around you. Are you walking in His will regarding them? Are you speaking the words He has for them? And I believe a lot of the time those words are just going to be words of love and encouragement. It think sometimes we scare ourselves over what we think evangelism looks like, but all it is, is love someone so they see the Light of Jesus in you and then telling them about it when you feel the Lord's leading. When we love someone nothing else matters, but knowing in the end we will be together.

Blessings on you this night.

Publishing Style

I cannot believe how long I can be kept away from this at times. Life can just be crazy.

I have to admit I am a little miffed right now. I write another blog and I was given some constructive criticism. I have to admit I would love to be someone who can handle constructive criticism, but I do struggle with it.

Anyway, the opinion was that changing the font, color, and alignment of test can be hard to read and confusing. I want your opinion. What do you think?

I understand that uniformity is easier to look at, but does it take away from the personality and creativity of the blog. Am I just being overly sensitive? I guess I just want some none biased opinions. Thanks.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring Reading Thing

I have just found out about this reading challenge. I am very excited about it. I am definitely planning on joining. The only bad thing is I get lost in books. I can get so caught up in reading that nothing else matters. I will just have to be careful I guess.

Why don't you join? Find those books that are part of the way done or make a list of new books you have been wanting to read and join the challenge.

It is being hosted by Katrina at Callapidder Days. It is called the Spring Reading Thing and you should definitely join today.

Time Does Fly

I cannot believe how quickly it does. I was sure it had only been two days since I last posted. Obviously, that was not the case though.

Life has just been moving along for me. I learn everyday I have to fight for my time with God. I either have to fight myself or my circumstances.

I know the days when I have not been with the Lord right from the start. They are much more challenging. It seems like everything that will upset me does.

I am beginning to realize why this happens. It is not because those things were not happening before. It is because when I have the Holy Spirit flowing through me than I have a completely different view and approach on life. I do not have to struggle with things as much, because I am more in tune to Jesus and how he views them.

The word tonight is spend time with Jesus. He loves you and He is waiting, always. He is always there for you. Never will He not be available.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Katchy Kids Dancewear

The ladies' over at 5 Minutes for Mom are having another contest. They have found this great site that sells dancewear for the little dancers in your life. It is call Katchy Kids and I recommend you check them out and get in on the contest. The links on provided. What are you waiting for?

The Goodness of God

I have to tell you about a friend of mine. She truly is amazing to me. We are not best friends by any means, but I hold this young woman in high esteem. I see qualities in her that I dream of acquiring. She is gracious, giving, kind, and, I can honestly say, the list does go on and on.

The reason I mention her is because she is about to have her first child. She has been married for five years come April, I am mostly sure, and up until now her and her husband have lost two or three babies to miscarriages. This has weighed very heavy on her and all who have known her and her husband, Sean.

I have gotten to know this couple better by working with them at our local Healing Rooms. They have been faithful to come in week after week and pray for the sicknesses and hurts of other people. So now they are receiving a part of their blessing for being faithful.

They do not know yet whether they are having a boy or a girl, but I know that the child will be blessed above and beyond. Not just because he or she is going to have great parents, but because this is a child conceived in prayer. This is a promise child.

I am asking you tonight if you have promises that you desire see come to pass. Have you been long suffering and patient to see those come about? Have you given them to the Lord and allowed Him to move in His time table? Or when they did not come to pass in your time table, have you forgotten them?

My friends have shown me what true perseverance is? What it means to have true heartache and yet not let go of the hem of Jesus garment? To hold on to Him and say, I will not let go until you bless me?

Did you know you could do that? Did you know you could ask the Lord for all you need and be persistent about it and He will never turn you away?
You have to be prepared for the way He answers those prayers. They may not look the way you think they will, but He will never turn you away.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you neither leave us nor forsake us. You are always for us. Help me to be persistent in pursuing the promises You have given me.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dialoguing with God

My desire was to true connect with the Father each day and to bring you a nugget of what I received. It just seems like I am totally unable to do that.

I did connect with the Father today. It was just hours ago and my life has just kind of left me in a mindless place. It is time for me to go to bed.

But I will leave you with this, God is good ALL THE TIME. I am beginning to see in my life His daily touches.

My husband has been self-employed since December last year. He was unemployed from September to December last year. During that period, we just proclaimed the Word of God over our lives and finances believing that He is the providing God He says He is.

This last month we have just seem random jobs come my husband's way. He just keeps getting calls out of the blue to do this or that. God truly is amazing. We would never have been able to make these opportunities happen in our own strengthens or abilities. It is just God being true to His Word, which says "I am the Provider."

Let God be your provider today. Maybe it is not finances. Maybe it is a child. Maybe it is a spouse. Maybe it is another relative, friend, boss, co-worker. Maybe it is your mind. There are so many areas in our lives the Lord will provide provision for if we allow Him. Open up to Him. Allow Him to be your Provider. Bless you all this night.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Have you ever been in the situation where you wanted your husband to care about something, but he doesn't?

Tonight I went to a Ladies' Night thing for my church. It was great to begin with. We were served nachos and Mexican style desserts. We were chatting away at our tables and having a great time.

They then divide us up and half go upstairs for some salsa lessons while the rest of us watch a movie until it is our turn. The only problem, in my opinion, is the movie has an issue. The language in it, I do not feel, was appropriate for the type of gathering we are having. There are young teenage girls there and it has some really coarse. They use 'Jesus' once and 'God' more than that.

I come home and I am a little stirred up by this. I am not in leadership, so this was not my choice. Is it wrong of me to desire my leaders to be a little more mindful of those that will be attending? Even more concerning to me, is the fact that my leadership might think this is an okay thing to show?

I want my husband to talk this out with me. He says, "I wasn't there. I do not know what I would think." Does anyone else's husbands offer that type of cop out response. Then he finally says that he agrees it should not be shown, but then he decides to tell me that I am wrong to take offense. Well the conversation goes downhill from there. I ask him, "What do you think I should do?" He says, "Do whatever. I do not care."

I just wanted someone to listen, but I become frustrated when he says he 'does not know' or 'I don't care.'

I know I am whining. I am probably PMSing and this will not be an issue tomorrow, but do you ever have these moments?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Is anything impossible?

Matthew 19:26 And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

How do you view life? Are there things in your life that look impossible to you? Do you believe in a God that can do anything?

I know there have been times in my life recently that I have had to face these questions and decide what I believed. About five months ago, my husband was asked to voluntarily resign his job. When we prayed, we believed the Lord was telling us that Jeremy should not go and find a new job, but that we should start a web design business. My husband has a degree in computer technology, so this was definitely a possibility. As I am sure most of you know, though, it can take a year or more for a new business to begin to see profit.

I work very part time at our local Healing Rooms. We had no other income. I must also tell you that we had gotten very satisfied with the finances that were coming in. We were definitely not making a ton of money, but we were surviving well. We could pay all of our bills, buy food and necessities, and save a little for a vacation or a rainy day. Obviously, that all ended when he was asked to leave.

We were now faced with a decision. Do we trust that we are hearing God and go for it or do we take the safe and logical step and have Jeremy find a new job?

Most of me wanted to believe God, but part of me wanted the safe side. We did choose to believe what the Lord had said and we have been walking that out for the last five, actually it is almost six months.

We have had some hard times. Times when our cupboards and refrigerator was bare and there was no money. We had to let our house payment go 30 days late once.

Just so you know, that was probably the hardest for me. I was raised that you just do not allow you bills to be unpaid. I always knew I could go to my mom and dad's house and be fed, but there was nothing I could do about the house payment.

But through all of that, God has been faithful. We received gift cards for one of our local grocery stores either anonymously or with a card for Christmas. My in-laws came and bought us a bunch of food one time while we went out of town for my Grandma's memorial service. We have received gifts of money at different times. The Lord provided Jeremy with different jobs.

We were prayed over and give the scripture about the woman who was told to collect many pots and the oil would continue to flow into all the pots she had. So we became aware of all the different opportunities that were coming our way.

Jeremy now works three or four different small jobs. He is enjoying most of those more than he enjoyed his previous job. I have been offered another part-time job that will not take me from home and the Lord has given some other ideas about acquire funds. He IS GOOD!

My challenge for you today is two-fold. Look at your life and acknowledge the good. Do not look at your life and acknowledge the bad. And are you encountering what looks to be an impossible situation, give it to God. Trust that He loves you enough to make things good. One of my favorite scriptures during a rough period in my life was Romans 8:28. It says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

Be purposefully and confident that God loves you and will cause all things to work together for your good.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Getting Involved

I am really loving the blogging world. I do not think I have been this involved with the world around me for a long time.

I have two small children and on preteen. It makes going a challenging thing, especially because I homeschool.

I have come across a great way for you to get involved too. I was visiting different blogs and came to Tasra at Lessons from the Scrapbooking Page. She is amazing. If you do not know her, I encourage you to visit her and get to know her.

She had heard about this great way to get involved and I am passing it on to you.

You probably never thought of this, but women's shelters in the U.S. go through thousands of feminine hygiene products monthly. Assistance agencies generally help with expenses of "everyday" necessities such as toilet paper, diapers, and clothing, but one of the most BASIC needs is overlooked--feminine hygiene products.

Seventh Generation, a green paper products and cleaning products company, has a do-good attitude and will donate a box of sanitary products to a women's shelter in your chosen state--just for clicking the link. Talk about easy (and it's kind of fun to drag and drop the little heart)!

So go ahead, get involved.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Moms for Modesty

I have just joined with Moms for Modesty. If you are a mom of daughters or even of sons and you want to encourage this point of view, please join. Protect those you love the most from a world that would love to exploit them.

More Than Just Words

I challenge you today to consider your Bible and decide for yourself it is more than just words. Is it the "Good Book" or is it THE Book? When asked where do you stand? Do you believe it is the inspired word of God or is just a collection of stories that help us to live life well?

At my church this morning, we had one of the elders speak on the Bible. Is it fact or is it a fable? He brought out some very interesting facts that prove the Bible to be true.

Just so you know, the Bible can be proven historically, scientifically, and archeologically. You may have to go find the proof, but it is there. Our society just wants us to believe that there is a question, so we do not feel emboldened to give it to those around us. We have allowed opinion to steal away, what should be, one of our most valued possessions.

Now that I have had my little soapbox moment, I want to tell you the most interesting thing I learned through this sermon. It was about what is called Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS). Have you heard of this? I had not.

Very simplistically, this is what these are. You can take any section of written language and find patterns. You kind find words that will happen at regular intervals.

Spies use this type of code when sending a message they do not want anyone to know what the true message is. The will write a message and place the code within. They will have already determined with the person receiving the message how many letters are between the letters of the code.

You start with the first letter in the message, circle it, then you count the pre-deteremined number, and circle the letter at the end of that. You would continue through the message in this way. At the end, you will receive the hidden message.

What I found out this morning is the Bible contains these types of messages. Especially within the first five books, there are these hidden messages. These messages are prophetic words about things that have happened within the last one hundred years. Hitler, happenings in Israel, 9/11, and other such things that changed history drastically are found in the Bible. What is found is a list a words that point to these things.

I am providing you with some links to check this information out yourself. I trust the many who gave the word this morning, but I am thinking to myself, why have I never heard this before. So I came home and got on the internet. Check this out. If nothing else, it will cause you to look at the Bible in a new light.

If you are interested in listening to the message, go to my church's site through the link given, on the right hand side of the site is a list of recent sermons, you can check out. Give my husband a day or so, he is responsible for downloading it on to the site.

I encourage you to not just accept what you hear on Sunday morning, know for yourself. I hope you hear me in this. I am not saying to constantly question those that minister to you. I am just saying you are responsible to know the Word for yourself. Be a willing student. Diving into your Bible and own it as your own.

Truth about Bible Code
The Bible Codes
Torah Codes
Statistical Science

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Updated Website

I have updated my website. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Today's Dialogue

19 Without becoming weak in faith he (Abraham) comtemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb;

20 yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,

21 and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.

Do you have a promise this morning? Are there things that God has spoken to you about and said "I will give you this or bring this about in your life?"

I want to encourage you to pick those promises up and believe for them. If they are buried deep within, dig them up.

I had the honor to listen to a local pastor teach on the buried promises. Sometimes we become discouraged because our promises do not come about in our time frame. We become disappointed with God because it is not happening the way we thought it would. This causes us to bury those promises. It is easier to deal with the discouragement or disappointment if we are not looking at those promises every day.

I say to you, "DIG THEM UP!!!"

God is good all the time. If He gave you a promise, He meant you to walk in it.
Remember our time is not God's time. He sees all and He knows when the right time
to bring that promise about.

Be like Abraham that even though his body was failing, his heart was not.
He knew the God he served and He knew that if God promised it, He would bring it about.

I have a practical suggestion to this. Take out your promises. Write them on a card.
Type them up. Put them where you will see them regularly. Then say to the Lord, "This is what you said you have for me. I have not seen it yet, but I know it will come about in Your perfect timing. Help me to have the faith to see it come about."

Lord, today we ask for grace to believe for the promises you have given us. Strength us as we walk through each day not knowing when it will come about, but knowing you have a perfect time for its coming forth. Draw us closer to you so that we do not ever doubt your love for us and your desire to give us those promise. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Bless you today.

I Have Moved!! Yeah!!

I have moved. I definitely was not happy with my other blog spot and so here I am. I hope that I am easier to find and comment.

I have moved a few of my posts here, but am just going to link back to the rest. Check them out. They kind of build a foundation.

Previous blog spot


Yes, I am still partying.

Ultimate Blog Party

But I also have figured out my picture issue,

I am including a link to my website, 1christianmom ,that contains a slideshow of our girls.

I hope you enjoy it.

These are people I hang with.

It's Almost Over!!

The party is almost over!! I hope many of you got involved. It has really been a great experience. I have met a ton of great people that I just would not have went out and found without this incentive. I thought for my second to last day blog I would just give you a list of the great people I have met. If you are just joining, this will be an easy way for you to check people out. These are great women with fantastic hearts. I hope you visit some.

Karen W @ Wired Wisdom

Amy's blah, blah, blog

Jenny @ Home Is Where You Start From

Toni @ In the Midst of This Season

Amydeanne @ 160 Acre Woods

Cheryl @ from the belly of the whale

Lori @ Dirty Laundry Queen

Andrea @ Flourishing Mother

Amanda @ following an unknown path

Jessica @ Itty Bitty Bits of Me

This is definitely not everyone I met, but a few. I hope you enjoy meeting these great ladies.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My husband, Jeremy

He is the foundation of our family. He is so solid and I know it comes from his relationship with Christ. He is a wonderful man with a wonderful sense of humor. Life is something to be enjoyed and not just endured. Sometimes I feel like I am in "just get through it" mode and Jer comes along and makes everything worth it.

We live in a home filled with drama queens, but my husband truly is the ring leader. I would never call him a drama queen. He would be very offended, but he definitely enhances the drama of the household.

Recently, he played Elvis. He went so far as to dye his hair black and shave off all of his facial hair. He had older women swooning at his feet. He was fabulous.

There is so much to my husband. I know I could not do him full justice. We fight, we love, and we care for our children. We do all this knowing that Christ is the true foundation of our family.

Be blessed today.

P.S. I am desperately trying to work the picture-thing out with this Wordpress, but it is not happen. If any of you have tips, please let me know.

March 7, 2007

Each day I am trying to have connect with God and bring to you what I have received. I am going to have this actually posted on my website 1christianmom. It is under the Faith - Dialogue with God section. Come join me for a moment with our Father.