My husband and I are going through a tough time right now, not with each other, just with our circumstances and I am finding it difficult to follow his lead. I know this is the way it should be, but I struggle.
We did not get married until we were both 25 and we both were comfortable with who we were. We did not see any reason for change. Our first year was a definite challenge. We also had a seven year old, so I thought I knew everything about being a parent and ... Well, I thought I was more mature and grounded than he was.
We are finding ourselves in that place again. We have been going through a financial struggle for over six months now and it just seems to get harder. We know our God is the God of breakthrough and it is coming, but we are being challenged in many areas through this circumstance.
Anyway, we are at a place again to expect more out of each other than is fair. Again I have found myself looking at my husband thinking I am more mature and grounded, but God is reminding me that is not the case.
I have to say Jeremy's and my communication skills have improved greatly over the last five years. We are much more willing to see things from the other person's views or at least let the other person have there say and try to understand.
I write all of this I guess to encourage those who may be going through something similar. God is good. I can see His hand all over our lives. Do not give up. We have not, even though it is hard.
Blessings on all of you,
I read your blog today and thought I might pass along some thoughts. By way of brief intro, my wife and I have been married for 20 years, I am 40 and we have 3 kids. We have also seen some extremely high and low financial times. Something which changed our lives forever was a course taught by a wonderful man named Dr. John Morgan. I have known Dr. Morgan for some time and his teaching on the subject of money changed our lives more than any other single event outside of salvation. I don't work for him, don't attend their church and don't make any money for recommending this course - but if you try it - it will work. If money is really tight, explain to them your situation and I bet they would send you the materials for free.
The website is
Call and ask about Dr. Morgan's Financial Freedom seminar. Dr. Morgan is not only the pastor of Sagemont, he is a very successful businessman and a real caring and kind man. His program isn't like any other (Dave Ramsay, etc.) - all of his teaching comes straight from the bible. Some of it is very hard to hear and do - but I can tell you it is worth it.
My wife and I were relieved of many hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt through this program.
Best Wishes,
Jeff C.
It was really good to see you the other day, but I feel bad that we didn't really catch up. I appreciate your honosty in reading your blog. Hang in there...the bumps in the road will get smooth. You have such a positive is really inspiring.
Love ya...Becky
I am very proud of you and Jeremy. You guys are going thru a hard time right now, but of anyone that can do this and come out on top..will be you two!
Love, Aunt Tami
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