Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Month

I truly wish that I was more consistent with this, but life just seems to mow over me and I become overwhelmed.

Life has definitely been chugging along for about a year now. Last September a good portion of my family moved to Kenya, Africa. While there one of my brothers got married. Then this last month one of my other brothers and his family moved to Wichita, Kansas. Now I wait for one of my sisters to have a baby and my brother and his new wife to visit. Life hopefully could not be busier, but this is really not what I was going to write about.

I want to tell you about a book I have read recently. It is called The Shack and it is quite controversial. I did not realize this when I read it though.

I have met many people who did not like it. I agree that the push off place for this book is quite emotional and heartrending. But I think that tragedy in our lives is definitely what draws us closer to God.

There were definite aspects of this book that I did not agree with, but what I found in it was a desire to make my relationship with the Lord more intimate. I realized from reading this book that it was I that had put limitations on who God was and what my relationship with Him would be.

I encourage you to at least check it out. You may not like. In fact, you may read the bulerp about and say "No way", but at least check it out.

If you read it, let me know what you think. I have found the the views regarding this book to be very broad and I love to have my personal opinion challenged by those who have thought about their's.


Ange~ said...

Read it and loved it. It made me bawl. A couple times. Oh, and I was totally offended at first when I read the part about God showing himself as a woman. Then I got over myself and realized that God made US in his image, not just man. So God isn't really a man and he isn't really a woman, he's a complete being of both that we can't wrap our little brains around.

Becky said...

Glad to pop in and see that you blogged again.

I think Ange wrote something on her blog about this book...I might be wrong....I will have to double check. I am always up for a book...I will have to get my hands on one.