Monday, October 6, 2008


How in the heck does the time fly by so quickly?!!! Honestly, I am on the internet everyday, but do I take the time to jot a little something down, !NO! Should I? !YES!

I really do want to maintain this blog and have actual people read it. Ange and Becky, I am so thankful for the two of you. I know if you did not read it no one would.

Well, enough drama. I actually do have an excess of drama here in my house, but I will try to share it with you.

I am doing great. Now that my daughters are taking dance again I am busy. Not only do I have to be there bus drive to and from class, but I also do the bookkeeping for the school. I am not complaining though, because this allows my girls to go at a discount.

The big news in my life is that my eldest daughter will be turning 13 this month. I am not sure if I am ready, but I am excited for her. I remember 13 and just feeling like you could take on the world. I know I will be the one she mostly takes on, but that is okay. My mom and I had a lot of practice in the art of verbal battle when I was a teenage. It was not all good, but I did learn a few lessons.

Something completely different about my daughter as an almost-teenage and me as a teenager is her need to share everything. She cannot keep anything to herself. We receive the minute-by-minute rundown of the things that are going on in her life. I know I should not complain, but sometimes I know I am going to go crazy if she does not stop talking.

My new most favorite thing is digital scrapbooking. I have to admit that the majority of my time on the internet is spent reading people's blogs on this matter and downloading the free stuff they are so gracious to share.

If you are a traditional scrapbooker, I highly recommend checking this out. I love both. I love the opportunity to work with my hands, but then I love when I can get on my computer (and with no mess to clean up) create a layout in an hour. If you are ever interested let me know.

Have a great evening.


Ange~ said...

I LOVE digital scrapbooking- so much cheaper than real scrapbooking because you can get so much super cute stuff for free.

Becky said...

I am a die-hard paper scrapbooker.....I like to "play" with my hands.....maybe someday I will delve into the digital worls.

Becky said...

BTW....Bailee is growing up so fast....I know Cam is too, but when they are your own, you don't notice it as much...ya know? She is growing into a beautiful young lady...inside and out.

We will tackle this 13 stuff did 13 years go?

They will be driving before we know it.